TV-Windows, the commercial opportunities of Split-Screen Teletext

TV-Windows Cross Media (Multizone)

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"Freezing" Television Programs and Television Commercials using TV-Windows

Recently, with the successful introduction in Germany of the iText advertising tool which synchronizes television commercials with the content of page 100 of Teletext, a renewed interest from the television market for cross media synchronization has been demonstrated. Multizone is the TV-Windows answer to this interest.

If the viewer pushes the Teletext button on his remote control, a full size Teletext page 100 with an integrated TV-Window is accessed. By pushing the Multizone related Fastext button on this page, the page 100 disappears and within 5 seconds the split-sceen TV-Window of the program or advertiser becomes visible.

In order to make the Multizone background information accessible, the Teletext and television broadcast must be synchronized. The most advanced and most elegant solution currently on the market is a system built by Fast TV Server AG in Germany which uses video recognition to accomplish this, it has the great advantage that it is broadcast schedule independent and insensitive to any delays.

Compared to traditional Teletext the TV-Windows Multizone access is five times faster; access to page 100 and to the related TV-Windows is accomplished in 3-5 seconds.

Multizone creates the program's and the advertiser's own communication channels through which they can permanently communicate with their viewers. This represents substantial financial value.

To receive further, more detailed, information please contact us.

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TV-Windows Contact Information:

Concept Development & Media Strategy Consulting
Johannes Cornelis van Nieuwkerk
GSM: +31 6 85942552  or +36 20 9877082